SourceFuse believes in adopting a comprehensive CSR Philosophy and implementing it into the company’s culture; to benefit society, the environment and the company itself.

These initiatives are independent of the normal conduct of SourceFuse’s business and are aligned to the activities listed in Schedule VII read with Section 135 of the CSR Act and the CSR Rules thereunder.

With a large youth population, skill development can help reduce unemployment and underemployment, enabling young people to find better job prospects. As the global economy becomes more competitive, having a skilled workforce is essential for attracting foreign investment and enhancing India’s position in international markets.

SourceFuse’s commitment in making a positive difference in the skill development space, is not a one-off initiative but rather part of a sustained effort to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

Resources and Documentation

A brief outline of the CSR Policy of the Company and its initiatives on CSR activities during the years are set out in the format prescribed in the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and filed with MCA.

Read more about about the SourceFuse CSR Committee and Projects Approved by the Board here:
